may walking and step workout plan
my may walking and step workout plan

This May I am challenging myself to walk more and walk longer distances. I made a cute infographic of my challenge and I am hoping that you will join in with me. Walking provides you with great benefits and makes you feel really good on the inside. I also find that when I walk more I have more energy for my day. If you also enjoy walking challenge yourself to increase your steps weekly.

This will help you gradually increase your steps without it being too much at once. I plan to work my way up to 10,000 steps daily and walking 2.5 miles at once before the end of this month! I’ve already worked my way into 7,500 steps this weeks and its been super easy,

As the days get hotter it does get more challenging. I also have to walk with the baby attached to me at all times. I rather that than pushing the stroller. It also helps me gain strength, I love it honestly. There are some days where I am super busy and I hit 10,000 steps but I want to start doing that daily.

Here’s the infographic I made:

may 2023 walking challenge infographic

With the distance challenge this is where I plan to go walking all at once. Either on a treadmill, track, or if the weather permits I’ll walk it outside on the trails. What are your walking goals for the month? Comment below 🙂 Have a great day and thanks for reading my short thoughts for the day.

steps & distance challenge my may workout plan

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