Are you looking for strategies for successful direct sales onboarding? Maybe you recently started to grow your direct sales team and you are in need for some quick leadership skills course but can’t afford it. I have a few tips for you to successfully on board your newest team member to make them start successfully.
Strategies for successful direct sales onboarding
As a direct seller the most aggrivating thing is to get on someones team who doesn’t help you at all. They just tell you to use the sales company videos and if you have any questions then you can ask.
This is frustrating to newbies because they made a connection with you. And they expect you to walk them and teach them all the ins and outs. Being a leader isn’t for everybody. But it is a huge role in your success in a direct sales business.
The key to growing a successful team is more or less a formula of things. You need to have amazing communication skills, leadership skills, be constantly learning. And you need to be preparded to handle judgements and criticisms.
All though today we are specifially talking about onboarding new team members. These skills can be used to run a good team of people in general. Lets begin.
Introducing new team members.
For starters, lets talk about the onboarding process of introducing new team members.
To give your newest team member the initial excitement boost they need start by introducing them to your team. Even if your team is no one else but your upline, start by making that first introduction. You can do this by creating a facebook or social media post, setting up a group chat, or even planning a luncheon ( if they are local.)
This will immediately give them the satisfaction that they are a wanted member of the team. But this will also help them make new connections. Which in the direct sales world, connections are everything.
Once you have introduced them to the team go ahead and start showing them around.
Strategies for successful direct sales onboarding: Implenmation Process
After you’ve introduced your newest member of the team, it’s time to get them set up in the back office. Most companies have training videos that walk newbies through these important steps. Make sure to send your newbie these videos and walk them through this process manually.
This will show that you know what you are talking about and that you are excited to help them get on this journey.
The easiest way I find to make sure you don’t miss any steps in this process is by creating a list of everything that they need to get done. For example, ordering supplies/stock, setting up their bank account. Setting up shipping details, and maybe even setting up store coupons and shipping rates.
Being Successful takes a village.
These are all a very important process on getting started and by walking them through these things you can ensure it’s done correctly. And you can answer any questions they may have on the process.
This is a key to a successful launch for your newbie. If you can place an order with them and be their first customer even better. Doesn’t need to be anything elloborant but just maybe a product or two to ensure their site is set up and ready to go for their launch party.
Make sure you walk them through the whole process of the customers order. Including shipping and packing the orders.
It may also be very productive of you to create an amazon store front or wishlist of items that you’ve used to help you in your business. They will be able to purchase these items and duplicate your success which will make for a happy team member.
The way I have this set up is through my Amazon Store Front. I have all the supplies I’ve bought for my business in a category set up for my company. When they purchase through my store front I earn a a little bit of commission. This is a win win for both of us. Be sure to disclose this information to them though so that way they don’t think you are trying to get over them.
Next, you’ll want to send your newbie all the training and information you can to help them succeed in their business.
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Create personalized team member onboarding training videos.
Strategies for successful direct sales onboarding tip number 3, training videos for your team.
Before you start building your team, you should begin making content for them. This is content that they will find helpful during their first 90 days.
This could be a quick video of the things they need to set up in their back office, how to set up social media accounts, and even some quick FYI videos on fun things you’ve learned yourself.
I’ve complied a list of videos I think everyone should make for their team! These are just suggestions but feel free to use them. Remember I recommend using TikTok to build your business so if you prefer a different platform choose something else.
Training Videos For Direct Sales Teams Ideas:
- Back Office Walkthrough & Set Up
- How To Create Coupons
- How To Complete A Customers Order Start To Finish
- How To Set Up Facebook Private Groups for Parties
- How To Set Up Facebook Business Page
- How To Use Canva To Create Eyecatching Images for your parties.
- How To Have A Successful Launch Party on TikTok
- How To Create A TikTok Live Event
- How to Create A Ticket For Missing Inventory, Broken/Unable to Sell Inventory, or a tech issue ticket.
- How to pack and ship an order.
- How to send a mass email to all customers about sales or important store information.
- How to host a live party on facebook.
- How to create and add a linktree account to your tiktok profile
- How to prospect for new team members
- How to invite people to an online party event on tiktok/facebook
Content Creation is Key!
Most companies and phones have the ability to screen record which is the method I suggest using when teaching most of these concepts to your newbies. If you can upload these video to a private youtube and share a link thats even better. Or you can save them to your phone or google account and share when needed. This will be a big part of your strategies for successful direct sales onboarding. And it’ll go a long way.
Making sure you video every thing you can thank of that is helpful will be your best bet.
Make a quick to-do list to yourself of everything you had to do to get setup. Then make the visuals you need to do these things.
Videos are always better because most people are visual learners. This will also help you remember things you may have forgetten and you don’t want to miss out on doing any of these things.
Every new team members level of knowledge on social media will be different. So having these videos handy will help them no matter what level they are at. Some of your team mates may not need any of these videos others will need these and maybe even more.
Content creation is key so the more you can do the better off your team will be. The next point to Strategies for successful direct sales onboarding is to set goals. Lets talk about it.
Setting weekly and daily goals with your team mates!
Another important thing to do when creating srategies for successful direct sales onboarding is by setting goals.
Make sure they are easily obtainable for each of your team mates to hit. And provide tips and tricks on how to obtain these goals.
Maybe the first week is to get through all the training videos and get set up for their “launch party.”
What this looks like is a quick text in a group chat you’ve created that says something simple. “Hey Ya’ll lets set some weekly goals to hit this week.” Not only will this spark some drive in your team mates but it’s also a good conversation starter.
This also helps the newbies start setting goals. Which they should start getting used to since this is a big part of having a successful direct sells business.
If you don’t know what goals each person on your team should be meeting take a look at their start dates.
Most direct sales teams have an incentative program for the beginner stages of a new seller. My company has a 90 day fast start program which is 100% based around personal volume and sales.
So if you have something similar to that you should help your newbie set goals of talking to peope about scheduling a party. The goal should also be based off if they are part time or full time. These should be questions you’ve already asked while getting to know them. But if you are unsure just ask.
With that being said my next helpful tip to setting them up for success is creating some scripting or suggestive wording.
Setting Up Scripts
Whether you are new to game or have been going for a while you know what works and what doesn’t. Being yourself and make geniune connections is the best way to go about. But some folks don’t know how to do this. Or maybe they are nervous and over thinking it so they just don’t know what to say.
In a note pads or somewhere on your phone you can create some nice scripting to copy and paste to your newbies. This will give them some ideas on what they can say to folks whom they are contacting for a party or for the business opportunity.
Most of the times scripts don’t work the flows are usually off but it’ll still give an idea of what to say. So they don’t have to be perfect but having some of these on hand will be helpful if they ask for it.
Following up with them throughout the next few weeks is key to making sure they stay on top of everything. Learn more about that next.
Strategies for successful direct sales onboarding: Set them up for success with follow ups.
After you’ve provided them with training, scripts, and set up some daily and weekly goals with them. You’ll want to start checking in with them daily at least for the first few weeks.
Call them or send a quick text daily and be available for them. Be sure to make sure you’ve answered any quesitons they have. Make sure that they are added to any facebook group or any of the group chats you have. And don’t forget to add them into the email lists for the group trainings or meetings you and your team have.
Pick up the phone and call them or schedule a time to call them. Make sure you have answered all their questions and that they know you are available to them anytime they need you.
The goal here is to be as available as you can to their success. Make sure they recieve their products. and that you are going to be 100% available for them to reach out the day of their launch for any questions they may have.
Be a friend
You never want your team members to feel like you are unreachable or not approachable.
Be their friend, be interested in their life, get to know them, their kids, and etc.
They are not just someone on your downline. They are your success so you want them to be successful.
You’re really only as successful as the newest member on your team.
Create a family fun atomosphere. and get your team mates to interact with each other and be there for each other. This is the best way to get people on your team that are motivated. And ready to take their business to the next level. You don’t want them to give up right away and now you have an inactive leg. That’s no good.
Strategies for successful direct sales onboarding means you will continue to grow as a team no matter what. Do as much as you possibly can to ensure their success even if that means stepping out your comfort zone.
Strategies for successful direct sales onboarding: Conclusion
By following these simple strategies you can ensure the success for you and your newest team members.
Being a good team member yourself is key and by actively being apart of your team memebers lifes. And helping them get through all that initial training will help make sure they remain active and not go ghost.
All though this may all sound like a lot of work. I promise it will pay off at the end of the day and you will be happy and so will your team mates.
There are much more things you can do to get team members motivated and we will talk about those next week.
I hope you found this information helpful. Be sure to subscribe to learn more about building your team and how to be successful at direct sales.
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