woman turning around on green fields
Photo by Jackson David on <a href="https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-turning-around-on-green-fields-2868441/" rel="nofollow">Pexels.com</a>
bed of white petaled flower
Photo by Jackson Jorvan on Pexels.com

Fresh Starts & Caffeine . Hello. Good Morning. What a wonderful Monday morning and a great time for all new things. Fresh starts are here to come to the blog and this is just a friendly update.

I start my new job today and I am super excited to have a fresh start. It’s just a part time job at a retail store but I am still excited because my journey as a stay at home mom have been rough. This will also be another source of income to add my portfolio. For tax purposes, it’s good that I did this so I can start paying some taxes back so my owed isn’t too high. I might end up getting a refund which would be awesome.

New blogging schedule

I am going to try and post fresh new content twice a week now instead of daily. Shifting my focus onto small business help this month. This will help me get my business launched off the ground and also help me regain focus my blog.

I want to post more stuff that I am able to do. If I could be quite honest about my blog my niche has changed a lot. Not only has my niche changed, but it also has been bad that I have been changing it up so much.

But I promise it won’t continue to change. I am honing into my niche and finding my sweet spot where I want to stay and write about.

Fresh Starts; Niche & Subgenres

This is my blog and my main niche is going to be small business talk. I plan to release some fun activity sheets that help you get your ideas aligned with your dreams. And help you stay clear to your niche and small business goals.

I also plan to start building a course that helps you walk through starting your first online business. It makes me happy to know I can help creative individuals start their business and get it up and running. Additionally, I want to offer individual coaching sessions and group classes for those who are interested.

Of course all of this is going to be scheduled around all my current duties. Mom duties, working duties, baby sitting duties. But I will make time for it and we will launch off from success from there.

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I want to add a few subgenres to the blog to help navigate some other passions of mine. Including budgeting, planning, and lifestyle inspiration.

These will be vital to the life of the blog because my true followers will love all the things I have to offer. Also, I am planning on creating a YouTube channel that documents my journey to financial freedom. But that is to come. I want to buy a better camera and get a whole setup before I do that. So I will continue to blog until then.

Blogging is such a heavy passion for me because I love writing and I truly enjoy it.

Conclusions, Fresh Starts

So it’s time to start getting ready for my first day of work. I hope you all have a beautiful week. And blessed be until I write to you again.

I have a few posts in mind for this week and I can’t wait to post them. This I believe it will be a good fresh starts for everyone to get their business ideas flowing. I have a list of possible ideas here if you want to check them out.

In the mean time, make sure you check out my quick links resources page and subscribe to the blog!

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